6 days ago, Suwannee Middle School
painting with moms flyer
SMS Football Cheer Parent Meeting - New Time - 5:30pm
4 days ago, Suwannee Middle School
SMS Football Cheer Parent Meeting - New Time of 5:30pm
Attention 8th Graders - SHS Cheer practice and try outs are March 3rd-6th @ SHS. Packets are available at front office. Must have a sports physical.
6 days ago, Suwannee Middle School
SHS cheer try out flyer
5th, 6th, & 7th Graders - Interested in Basketball Cheer?
6 days ago, Suwannee Middle School
Basketball cheer flyer
📢 Schedule Update: March 24th Now an Instructional Day 📢 Please note that Monday, March 24th, originally scheduled as a Professional Development day, will now be an instructional day to make up for the school closure on January 22nd. 📌 Normal school operations will take place on Monday, March 24th. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility.
18 days ago, Suwannee County School District
SCSD Calendar
Congratulations to Kamara Clayton! District Spelling Bee Runner-Up!
19 days ago, Suwannee Middle School
picture of kamara clayton
Congratulations to Jarvis McGrew. County Tropicana Speech Contest Winner!
29 days ago, Suwannee Middle School
Flyer with Jarvis McGrew County Tropicana Speech Contest
Picture of AP Traci Green and Jarvis McGrew
picture of SMS administration with Jarvis McGrew
📢 2025-2026 Enrollment Now Open! 🎉 The Suwannee County School District is now accepting applications for the upcoming school year! ✅ Pre-Kindergarten ✅ Elementary School ✅ Middle School ✅ High School 📌 All applications must be submitted online. Don’t wait—apply now and secure your child’s spot for the 2025-2026 school year!
29 days ago, Suwannee County School District
2025-2026 Enrollment now open!
2025-2026 Enrollment now open! (Spanish)
Updated Baseball & Softball Schedule
29 days ago, Suwannee Middle School
softball schedule
baseball & softball schedules
January Students of the Month
29 days ago, Suwannee Middle School
January Students of the Month
February Contest! Come to school everyday and you will be entered to win a drawing to have a dinner delivered to your house for your entire family!
about 1 month ago, Suwannee Middle School
flyer for free dinner
SMS Football Cheerleading Tryouts are in March!
about 1 month ago, Suwannee Middle School
football cheerleading tryouts flyer
https://sites.google.com/scsb.us/smsnews/home Watch the latest episode of the Bullpup News!
about 1 month ago, Suwannee Middle School
flyer for bullpup news
SMS Track Schedule
about 2 months ago, Suwannee Middle School
SMS Track Schedule
list of students on track team
Congratulations Jarvis McGrew on winning the 2025 SMS Tropicana Speech Contest! Jarvis will now go on to compete at the County Level.
about 2 months ago, Suwannee Middle School
Tropicana Speech Winner Jarvis McGrew Picture
SMS Teacher of the Year - Deanna Horton School Related Employee of the Year - Jennifer McMillan SMS Principal - Cara Disken
about 2 months ago, Suwannee Middle School
Teacher of the year picture
SMS Spelling Bee Winner - Kamara Clayton!
3 months ago, Suwannee Middle School
 SMS spelling bee winner
Congratulations to these SMS Students for having a PERFECT score on one or more of last years FAST test
3 months ago, Suwannee Middle School
flyer congratulating students on having a perfect score on FAST test
picture of students who had a perfect score on FAST test
Dear Parents and Guardians, Please review the following information about the FortifyFL mobile app that is available to all parents, guardians, and students.
4 months ago, Suwannee County School District
FortifyFL Info Page 1
FortifyFL Info Page 2
Yearbook Order Time! $45 You can order online https://shop.yearbookmarket.com/suwanneemiddleschool or fill out the form Yearbook Ads on sale - if you buy an ad it INCLUDES the yearbook. See prices below. Questions: linda.strait@suwannee.k12.fl.us
4 months ago, Suwannee Middle School
SMS yeabook ad flyer
order form in English
order form in Spanish